
AAT4682 Datasheet, Advanced Analogic Technologies

AAT4682 switches equivalent, dual electronic resettable switches.

AAT4682 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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AAT4682 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* SmartSwitch™ Dual P-Channel MOSFETS 500mA steady state load current 600mA minimum current limit trip p.


* USB ports Peripheral ports Desktop PCs Cell phone ports Typical Application AAT4682 INPUT 5 I.


The AAT4682 Dual Electronic Resettable fuse is part of the AnalogicTech Application Specific Power MOSFET (ASPM™) line of products. It has two 1A current limited P-channel MOSFET power devices that remain fully enhanced as long as the input power sup.

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